1. Your consent to the Processing of your Personal Information

1.1 IAG may collect, get, receive, record, organise, collate, store, update, change, retrieve, read, process, use and share your Personal Information in the ways set out in this Privacy Policy. When we do one or more of these actions with your Personal Information, we are "Processing" your Personal Information (and "process" has a corresponding meaning.

2.  If you are concerned about any aspect of this Privacy Policy as it relates to your Personal Information, please do not continue to engage with us on this platform.

2.1 We may, where permitted or required to do so by applicable law, process your Personal Information without your knowledge or permission, if sufficient grounds of justification are present, and we will do so in accordance with the further provisions of this Privacy Policy.

3. What and who does this Privacy Policy apply to?

 3.1 This Privacy Policy applies to the processing by us or on our behalf, and our successors-in-title, of the Personal Information relating to you, being a user who accesses and/or uses our Website; and

3.2. this Privacy Policy applies regardless of the device which you use to access our Website or to engage with us, which device is capable of using, or enabled to use, the Website including, but not limited to, internet-connected mobile devices and tablets ("Access Device").

4. What is Personal Information?

4.1 "Personal Information" refers to private information about an identifiable living natural person or, where applicable, an identifiable existing juristic person. Personal Information does not include information that does not identify you (including in instances where that information has been de-identified so that it does not identify a person).

5. We may process various types of Personal Information about you, as follows:

5.1 Identity Information, which includes information concerning your name;

5.2 Contact Information, which includes your residential address, e-mail address and telephone numbers;

5.3 Technical Information, which includes your internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, and other technology on the devices you use to access the Website or to use our products and services or engage with us;

5.4 Usage Information, which includes information as to your access to and use of the Website, products and services, such as what links you went to, what content you accessed, the amount of content viewed and the order of that content, as well as the amount of time spent on the specific content and what products and services you access and use when engaging with IAG;

5.5 Location Information, which includes geographical information from your Access Device (which is usually based on the GPS or IP location);

5.6 Marketing and Communications Information, which includes your preferences in respect of receiving information from us and our third parties, and your communication preferences; and

5.7 IAG may also process, collect, store and/or use aggregated data, which may include historical or statistical data ("Aggregated Data") for any purpose, including for know-how and research purposes. Aggregated Data may be derived from your Personal Information but is not always considered Personal Information, as this data does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your Personal Information in a manner that has the result that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we will treat the combined data as Personal Information, which will be managed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

6. How we collect your Personal Information

6.1 We collect your Personal Information in the following ways:

     6.1.1 through direct or active interactions with you; and

     6.1.2 through automated or passive interactions with you;

7. Passive collection from your Access Device when browsing our Website

7.1. We may passively collect certain of your Personal Information from the Access Device that you use to access and navigate the Website, by way of various technological applications, for instance, using server logs to collect and maintain log information;

7.2.  we also use cookies and anonymous identifiers which enable our computer system to recognise you when you next visit the Website to distinguish you from other users and to improve our service to you, and which can be used to enhance the content of the Website and make it more user-friendly, as well as to give you a more personalised experience; and

7.3. the Personal Information that we passively collect from your Access Device may include your Identity Information, your Contact Information, your Technical Information, your Profile Information, your Usage Information, your Location Information and your Marketing and Communications Information, or any other Personal Information which you permit us, from time to time, to passively collect from your Access Device.

8. How we use your Personal Information

 8.1 We use your Personal Information for the following purposes:

     8.1.1 to establish a relationship with you;

     8.1.2 to establish and verify your identity on the Website;

     8.1.3 to operate, administer, secure and develop the Website and the performance and functionality of the Website;

     8.1.4 to inform you about any changes to the Website, this Privacy Policy or other changes that are relevant to you;

     8.1.5 to create user profiles, compile and use statistical information (including non-personal information) about you and other users and their access to the Website and to analyse and compare how you and other users make use of the Website, including (without limitation) their browsing habits, click-patterns, preferences, frequency and times of use, trends and demographic information including recommendations to users and tailoring information and content for users;

     8.1.6 to offer you information and content which is more appropriately tailored for you as far as reasonably possible

     8.1.7 to provide you with the latest information about IAG or events provided that you have agreed to receive such information;

     8.1.8 to communicate with you and retain a record of our communications with you and your communications with us;

     8.1.9 to invite you to our services, functions or events that we may host alone or in conjunction with our alliance partners, affiliated churches or other churches with whom IAG has collaboration arrangements;

     8.1.10 to analyse and compare the types of Access Devices that you and other users make use of; and

     8.1.11for other activities and/or purposes which are lawful, reasonable and adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the vision and mission of IAG.

8.2      We will obtain your permission before collecting or using your Personal Information and/or Special Personal Information for any other purpose.

9.      Compulsory Personal Information and consequences of not sharing it with us

9.1      The following information is compulsory Personal Information

     9.1.1  your name and surname;

     9.1.2  your contact details, such as your email address and/or your telephone number;

     9.1.3 all other Personal Information is optional. If you do not agree to share the above-mentioned compulsory Personal Information with us, then you will not be able to engage with us effectively or make full use of the services that are offered by IAG on this platform; and

     9.1.4 if you do not agree to share your optional information with us, then you might not be able to engage with us fully, and/or we might not be able to reach out to you effectively, to engage with you, and connect you with members of IAG that are closer to your residential address,

10.      Sharing of your Personal Information

10.1 We will not intentionally disclose your Personal Information, other than with your permission, as permitted by applicable law or in the manner as set out in this Privacy Policy;

10.2 you agree and give permission for us to share your Personal Information under the following circumstances;

     10.3 with our church board members that have agreed to be bound by applicable data protection legislation and this Privacy Policy or similar terms, which offer the same level of protection as this Privacy Policy;

     10.4 with IAG's partners, with whom we have collaboration arrangements, to invite you to services, conferences, functions or events that we may jointly host, where you have subscribed to receive such communications;

     10.5  with our employees, suppliers, consultants, contractors and agents if and to the extent that they require such Personal Information in order to process it for us and/or in the provision of services for or to you; and

     10.6 comply with the law or with any legal process.

11.     Security

     11.1 We take reasonable technical and organisational measures to secure the integrity of your Personal Information and using accepted technological standards to prevent unauthorised access to or disclosure of your Personal Information and protect your Personal Information from misuse.

12.      Retention of your Personal Information

12.1 We may keep your Personal Information for as long as you continue to engage with us and  access the Website for as long as reasonably necessary or until you contact us and ask us to destroy it; and

12.2 we may retain and process some or all of your Personal Information if and for as long as we are required or permitted by law.

13.     Your rights

13.1 Data protection legislation may confer certain rights on you in respect of your Personal Information. We aim to be clear about what Personal Information we collect so that you can make meaningful choices about what Personal Information you make available to us.

13.2 You may, for example:

     13.2.1 block all cookies, by setting your browser to do so, including cookies associated with our products and services or to indicate when a cookie is being sent by us;

     13.2.2 request access to your Personal Information (commonly known as a “data subject access request”), which indicates what Personal Information we have about you;

     13.2.3 request erasure of your Personal Information, where there is no lawful basis for the retention or continued processing of it;

     13.2.4 object to the processing of your Personal Information, for a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and if there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground as you feel it impacts on your fundamental rights and freedoms;

     13.2.5 request restriction of processing of your Personal Information, this enables you to ask IAG to suspend the processing of your Personal Information in limited circumstances;

     13.2.6 withdraw consent which you previously gave to the processing of your Personal Information, you may withdraw your consent for us to process your Personal Information at any time. The withdrawal of your consent can only be made by you on condition that such withdrawal of your consent does not affect the processing of your Personal Information before the withdrawal of your consent; or does not affect the processing of your Personal Information if the processing is in compliance with an obligation imposed by law on us;

     13.2.7 withdrawal of consent may limit our ability to reach out to you and to provide our services to you, but will not affect the continued processing of your Personal Information in instances in which your consent is not required; and

     13.2.8 institute civil proceedings regarding an alleged interference with the protection of your Personal Information processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

14.     Changes to this Privacy Policy

14.1 To the extent allowed by the law, this Privacy Policy may be amended and updated from time to time in our sole discretion, without notice, provided that if we do so, we will post the revised policy on the Website and we will take reasonably practicable steps to inform you of the updated Privacy Policy. Accordingly, please check this Privacy Policy for changes periodically. If you continue to engage with us,

15.     Children

15.1 The Website is not targeted at persons under the age of 18.

15.2 We may in limited instances process Personal Information of children. In such cases, the processing of Personal Information of children is conducted with the consent of a competent person or to comply with an obligation in law.

15.3 We will not knowingly collect Personal Information of persons under the age of 18 without express consent to do so or without a legal obligation to do so.

15.4 For any further questions in respect of the processing of Personal Information of children, please contact us.

16.      General

16.1 You agree that this Privacy Policy, our relationship and any dispute of whatsoever nature relating to or arising out of this Privacy Policy whether directly or indirectly is governed by South African law, without giving effect to any principle of conflict of laws;

16.2 you agree that we may, at any time, transfer, cede, delegate or assign any or all of our rights and obligations under this Privacy Policy without your permission;

16.3 this Privacy Policy shall apply for the benefit of and be binding on each party's successors and assigns;

16.4 our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Privacy Policy shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision; and

16.5 each provision of this Privacy Policy, and each part of any provision, is removable and detachable from the others. As far as the law allows, if any provision (or part of a provision) of this Privacy Policy is found by a court or authority of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable (including without limitation because it is not consistent with the law of another jurisdiction), it must be treated as if it was not included in this Privacy Policy and the rest of this Privacy Policy will still be valid and enforceable.

17.     Queries and contact details of the Information Regulator

17.1 Should you feel that your rights in respect of your Personal Information have been infringed, please address your concerns to IAG National Office at  If you feel that the attempts by IAG to resolve the matter have been inadequate, you may lodge a complaint with the South African Information Regulator by accessing their website at